St. Bonaventure University


社会学 is the scientific study of individuals, groups, and society. The scope of this academic discipline is vast, which is why sociology has a great deal to offer, especially in our increasingly connected world in which we live.

课程 在社会学 focus on the many ways in which social factors influence our lives. Some classes examine social institutions, such as family, peer, and religious institutions.

Others look at the ways in which poverty and wealth are distributed across society, influencing families across generations. Still other courses explore the often subtle ways in which our culture impacts everyday lives in areas such as health, 教育, and even the social media we consume.

Why choose sociology?

While the subject areas covered are diverse, foundational to the 社会学 program at St. Bonaventure University is a belief in the basic dignity of every human being. 此外, the department offers to its students an orientation of self in relation to others and to basic social institutions, including the family, church and state as well as the economic, 教育al and governmental processes within a global framework.

What are People Doing with a B.A. 在社会学?A key strength of our sociology program is that it positions students to graduate with a degree that enables them to pursue employment along various career paths. Some of these include work in social services, 作为顾问, 管理, 作为老师, and in marketing firms. Find out more about what people are doing with a Bachelor's Degree 在社会学.

Other graduates choose to continue their 教育, pursing a variety of master level and even terminal degree programs.

Experiential learning

There is no better way to study individuals, groups and society than by going out into the world around you. Learn more about experiential learning opportunities on our main 社会学 & 犯罪学 网页.


The Department of 社会学 and 犯罪学 offers a B.A. 在社会学, 辅修社会学, a minor in human services, a minor 在犯罪学, 我也得B.A. 在犯罪学.

Bachelor of 艺术 在社会学

The major 在社会学 provides the student with a study of the ways in which social factors influence our lives, an examination of social institutions, a study of how poverty and wealth are distributed across society, and an exploration the often subtle ways in which our culture impacts everyday lives.

Degree requirements and a four-year plan for the sociology major

  • Three available minors

    Students who are not sociology majors may complete a sociology minor, a human services minor, or a criminology minor to aid in the understanding of their major fields.

    Requirements for the sociology minor

    Requirements for the human services minor

    Requirements for the criminology minor

    Interested 在犯罪学 as a major?

    The Department of 社会学 and 犯罪学 also offers a B.A. 在犯罪学. 要了解更多信息, visit the 犯罪学 Program.

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